Eisner, Emily, Holmstrom EEH Dental Operatory
The Eisner, Emily, Holmstrom Dental Operatory is named after some of the founding giants of Veterinary Dentistry. Bob Partridge is pleased to call these leaders of the profession long-standing friends.
The design of the EEH Dental Operatory is a division into separate work area bays. However, unlike many designs, the EEH avoids the feeling and atmosphere of compartmentalisation, isolation and claustrophobia. The EEH incorporates very high ceilings, additionally LED Sky Panels create the impression of an open sky above. The lighting covers the range of true daylight – helping to decrease stress levels.
VetDentist has made the major investment into using lead glass dividers to physically separate the work areas, whilst maintaining a visual integrity of the whole operatory. We understand that these are the largest glass panels that have been installed in Europe and possibly worldwide. The result is that the EEH operates as a single unit, with team members working collaboratively, allowing easy supervision and support – however staff safety from x-ray radiation is ensured.
Whilst the lead glass panels were one of the largest single costs of the refurbishment – the benefits are well worth the investment.
Custom built cabinetry from a dental specialist company, provides storage and working spaces for the procedures. The cabinetry was selected to tie in with the colour scheme of the logos and is an almost perfect pantone match.