Teon Washer Disinfector

Teon Washer Disinfector

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The Teon may look like a dishwasher – but it is far more than that! The instruments are cleaned at high temperatures and a range of separate programmes ensure that the best cleaning environment is provided for every instrument type. In addition the Teon has special adaptors which allow dental handpieces to be effectively cleaned. Teon reduces the risks of cross contamination between procedures. Additionally the Teon provides geat benefits for the team. Teon helps to minimise the risks of sharp injuries, it also frees up the team from the more mundane aspects of health care – keeping instruments clean! Washer Disinfectors have been an integral part of VetDentist’s practice for many years. We cannot understand why other veterinary practices are not embracing this technology to improve patient care and provide benefits for their teams. See https://www.wh.com/en_uk/dental-products/sterilization-hygienic-maintenance/thermal-washer-disinfectors/teon

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